Our Programs
Mentoring Program
Bullying Prevention Program
Stopping the Violence Program
Family Strengthening Program
Our team understands the importance of feeding the hungry. Our team, other non-profit organizations, volunteers and interns; assist in feeding the families and the homeless once a month. Our program provides toiletry, blankets and clothes to the homeless men and women quarterly. We assist families with available resources that will provide healthier living that can fight obesity. Our family strengthening program also focus on youth by implementing programs that keep them off the streets with community sports events and working with families with runaway teens. We also meet with families in low-poverish neighborhoods to discuss issues relating to the children’s educational needs, family support and ways to provide free services so they can become self-sufficient.
Community Outreach Advocacy Program
Our mentoring program is community-based curriculum that sends qualified and certified people to match with children and youth within the school system and in the community. Our organization has been working with the school system for six months in decreasing behaviors among our youth. Our certified team, work one on one with the individuals, helping them with behavioral issues that are causing a disruption in the homes and schools. The mentors help with family compositions and provide skill trainings for parents free of charge to handle crisis.
Team TruBlue believes in social justice and fairness therefore; our organizations assist people with advocacy programs that fit their need. Our organization promotes higher education and nationally pressing issues of disparities within communities. We provide the neighborhoods with a list of resources for a variety of services in their district.
Team TruBlue has a heart and passion for the youth and families therefore; we began a program to stop the violence in local communities. TruBlue assists families that have children to die in gang violence, victims of domestic violence, family members that have been murdered, and families that have experience children dying from suicide. Team TruBlue have experts that also experienced in dealing with human trafficking and sexual assault victims too. Our organization provides workshops and seminars on violence prevention. We work with the local domestic violence organization on self-esteem, selfworth and educational seminars on becoming a survivor and not a victim. Our program participates in protest with major non-profit organizations to fight against violence. We assist families with food, seminars to discuss ways to stop the violence; and work with city council and community leaders on ways to decrease crime in low-poverish neighborhoods.
Bullying has increased over the years in the school system and in the communities. Our organization educate youth at school, local communities, churches and other non-profit organization about signs of bullying. We provide psycho-social education and ways to handle bullies effectively. We teach crisis management, coping skills, conflict resolution and ways parents can handle bullying issues.